PermPAL is an online database of permutation pattern avoidance classes and the enumerations.
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Open-source Python library to construct and manipulate several kinds of finite state machines.
Open-source Maple package to empirically predict the asymptotic behavior of counting sequences based on known initial terms.
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Open-source Maple package to conjecture generating functions of counting sequences based on known initial terms.
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Open-source Python libraries that implement the combinatorial exploration framework and apply it to the field of permutation patterns.
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Open-source Python library for working with permutations and patterns. Successor (in part) to PermPy. Co-authored with many other contributors.
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A web-based application to manage a worldwide distributed computational effort to compute the shortest superpermutation containing all permutations of length 6. Over a million computers participated in this effort and over a hundred million CPU-hours were contributed.
PermPy is an open-source Python library for handling large sets of permutations.
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